My biggest fan, the Mr. Monkey, stated that it seems I'm too busy to keep up with postings on Our Blooming Jungle as of late. It is true, partially. Our computer decided it needed some work done on it, so I've had to live without it for a while and will have to again in the near future it seems. But it is also summer, is it not? One can only expect we are running over to the beach every day and staying up late in the summer sun sipping wine with the neighbors. If only that were the case. It seems the Netherlands decided to skip summer and head straight into a rainy fall. We've had rain nonstop for the last month! And when we went to pick up our kids from their last day of school we were all wearing our winter jackets with the rain and wind beating at our chilled frames. For some reason, as my Australian friend stated, it just didn't seem like the festive vacation atmosphere it should have been. Regardless, the kids are home now and we await warm weather. We've had our good days and our bad days, a few of which I will expound upon in the next couple of weeks before we head off on our European vacation. Not to mention more photographs! I have been too busy for those also, it seems. I promise some good ones to come. It seems that every time I see a guy carrying a ladder while riding his bike or hauling a huge TV on the back of his bike is the time I don't have my camera with me. I assure you, I'm going to be carrying that thing around with me everywhere I go now.
Now, for a little teaser. It is common for us to hear from one or another of the girls, "Mama, I miss _____ . . ." Fill in the blank with any person, place, event, food, or object from the states and you'll establish the basis of moaning's we regularly hear. Just yesterday, out of the blue as normal, Spider Monkey exclaimed, "Mama I really miss that drink that we used to be able to mix up and drink in the United States. You know, the one with a monkey name."
It took me three guesses to get it right, so I'll give you each three. Can you guess what that name of the drink is she really misses from the states?
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