Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Birthday Bash


After I'd finally wandered out from my fever dream-skewed reality and back onto a normal plain of existence I made it up to my daughter by finally throwing her that party she'd been asking for.  Unlike Amara, Catherine had it all planned out from the cake down to the theme and what she'd like her guests to wear.  I love it when I don't have to do a lot of guess work!  She picked a dress-up party and asked all of her friends to come dressed up.  I was a little worried that the 8-year-olds going on 30's might not be so thrilled with the idea as my own daughter, but they all showed up with smiles, giggles and colorful outfits.

As intimidated as I was by all these little girls who would require clear Dutch instructions to play all the games we had planned it all went off rather smoothly.  My wonderful husband took over most of it while I was in charge of keeping to the timeline and pushing food out of the kitchen and into their hungry mouths.  There were only a couple of times the girls had something to say to me that I needed them to repeat and I only had to ask my fluent daughter twice for a word translation.

After many games, prizes, a fashion show, and their own personalized cake they left with big smiles and a few new additions to their dress up collections.  I skipped the balloon popping race and was grateful I did because I was feeling very dizzy and exhausted afterwards.  I may have been on antibiotics for two days, but I was still not quite up for a marathon.  Still, my daughter got the birthday party she'd asked for without another hitch in the plans.  I can't believe she's 8 . . .


Anonymous said...

i can't believe how beautiful it turned out!!! it is gorgeous!
Eight! Catherine is now on her way to be a teenager.
love, daphne

Elizabeth said...

The cake is brilliant! How on earth did you manage that?

sue_mrsue said...

Hi there!

I have been sadly behind on my blogwalks lately - and many other things. I'm glad I stopped by to see how things are going, and glad to hear you're feeling better! Sounds like January was not all that nice to you! Hope Feb is better!

Survivors of Parenthood said...

You outdid yourself again! I only wish you were here to give me lessons on the whole birthday cake thing :) Hope we talk soon!
Miss you,

Holy said...

omg - that's amazing. I'm going to bring Holy Daughter by to show her what real birthday cakes looks like.

Except now she's going to want a cake like that. One year her great grandma made her the doll cake with skirt, etc. but not with fondant.

Wow! I didn't read what the girls' reactions were to your creations - I'll have to read closer - your font is too small, dontcha know..:)

Holy said...

PS - I'm trying to remember all your monkeys again - you have Screech and Squirrel and who's the third? - your sidebar has Catherine and Amara both as Squirrel...

Jungle Mama said...

Thanks for the compliments on the cakes. And, Holy, the girls loved them. I was afraid they wouldn't eat any because most parents here don't even serve cake to kids because "they won't eat it anyway". Those that didn't eat most of them burrowed a hole through one side and ate out the cake from the middles leaving the outer shell of a dress mostly intact :)

Holy ~ I've increased the font and corrected the Spider Monkey issue. Thanks for the heads up. Let me know if the font is big enough everybody.

Holy said...

Yes, new font size is great and I'll go check out the Spider Monkey blurb so I can keep all the monkeys straight. I can totally see the girls eating out the inside to save the icing dress.

Anonymous said...

The party guests must have been thrilled with their cakes. They are amazing!